Monday, October 26, 2009

अतीथी देवो भव

When foreigners come to India, they must find it's face very photogenic. The things they always carry are - a camera, a book titled India or discovering India or something like that and a backpack. They always wear shorts and t-shirts. Wherever they go, people welcome them। (one reason for that is the dollars these guys carry and second is the pre-independence mentality)। Local people suddenly realize the old Indian philosophy of " अतीथी देवो भव (guest is like god)" foreigners take photos of these "good" people and their villages and crowd and of everything else they can't find in their home country. Finally these guys become happy, drop a few dollar bills and go home.
See any village or city, this is the case. And in a place where guests are like gods, their own people are treated like dogs. this place is filled with examples, I don't need to tell u that.

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